This is Art Nordic Spotlight – a series, where we shine a light on some of the young and exciting artists exhibiting at Art Nordics 2021. In this episode we meet Russian artist Rita Howis for a talk about art and how she uses her creativity to spread the word about sustainability and climate change. This is your chance to get to know her better.
Fluent colors dripping on the canvas transforming into abstract motives mimicking the ocean get a touch of gold or silver, when Rita Howis starts painting. The same gold and silver recur in the portraits of people and their cultures, that is also a part of her portfolio. As her motives indicates, nature and people are her main source of inspiration:
“I find my inspiration in nature, both from going on a long walk and the research on how beautiful and diverse our planet is. I am also often inspired by people and their stories. Love for the planet and for people is my drive,” the Russian artist says.
Want to be more creative? Give Rita Howis’ playlist a listen.
The magical part of the art process
When Rita Howis really needs to get into her creative zone, she mainly kickstarts the process with a long walk on the beach, practice yoga or meditate. And when the right kind of inspiration comes to her, the creative process begins:
“The creative process starts with a spark of inspiration, and I take joy in developing the idea by doing the research and sketches. Next comes finding and testing the right materials and setting up the studio. Then the artistic production process begins. That’s the magical part where I lose the track of time and feel very close to my soul,” says Rita Howis and continues:
“I believe that being an artist is a privilege yet a very challenging path. I take my art serious and always create from a highest-self resourceful state. Each art piece is always unique and special, and I want to bring meaning and good energy with it to the world.”
Inspiration from all around the world
The love for the planet and for people also reflects in Rita Howis’ own life and lifestyle. She has travelled and worked in more countries and different cultures than most.
“I am originally from Russia and I have always had this inner urge to explore the world, so I spent most of my twenties studying and working in many different cultures including Austria, Belgium, China, U.S., and Spain. Now currently settled in Denmark,” says Rita Howis.
The different countries and cultures are also a part of her inspiration. At the moment, Denmark and the Scandinavian lifestyle has left its mark on her art.
“My inspiration has come to draw upon the Danish design philosophy of minimalism, functionalism, and sustainability,” she explains and ads:
“I also wanted to find a way to express myself through abstract art by combining the simplicity and passion for nature and adventure. That’s how I developed my signature colorflow technique – a combination of fluid paints, different mediums and sustainable sourced 23 karat gold and silver.”
“In order to transform climate fatigue into climate action, we need to combat the abstract words and impersonal nature of climate change into something that is understandable and relatable to every human being.”
Not a woolly sweater, tree-hugger kind of person, but…
Even though Rita Howis has lived in many different cultures that have inspired her in her creative process, she has one main focus, that she wants to communicate through her art.
“While each experience has shaped my understanding of art and design, the red thread throughout my journey has been a strong conviction of the need for more sustainability actions and demands,” she points out, and elaborates:
“I’m not the woolly sweater, tree-hugger kind of person but I really feel it’s important that we’re able to create a mainstream appreciation of our natural environments, respect to nature and each other – and use art as the universal language to achieve it.”
Climate and art at Rita Howis’ booth
At Art Nordic you are able to see how Rita Howis uses her art to spread the word about our planets vulnerability and the need to help it:
“In order to transform climate fatigue into climate action, we need to combat the abstract words and impersonal nature of climate change into something that is understandable and relatable to every human being. I hope my art can do exactly that by being able to portray the world’s unique and beautiful places in colors and shapes rather than in words and politics,” she says and continues:
“My goal is to raise awareness through the beauty of art by bringing my pieces right into the homes of people, reminding them why our planet is worth saving as they sip their morning coffee and go about with their daily chores at home.”
Meet Rita Howis at Art Nordic 2021, 26. – 28. November at Lokomotivværkstedet in Copenhagen. Get to know her art here.