Daniel Espinosa

Contemporary reflection on Pre-Columbian cosmovision.

DANIEL ESPNOSA PONCE (Quito, Ecuador, 1979.)

Painter, sculptor, cultural manager and art teacher.

He completed his studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universiad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador (2005) and later a postgraduate course in City Management and Creative Entrepreneurship at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. (2015).

He always had an attraction towards ancient history, nature, stars and especially, towards pre-Columbian cultures and their religiosity. His main interest has been focused on spirituality, cosmology and shamanic practices.

His sculptural work is related to the collection and transformation of forgotten raw materials such as fragments of pre-Columbian ceramics (found by chance on the shores of Ecuadorian beaches), stone, wood or scrap. He also works in painting and illustration.

His artistic career has been carried out in the field of visual arts, permanently exhibiting his work in Ecuador and internationally, in Venezuela, El Salvador, United States, France, Italy, UK and Sweden.

He has won some relevant awards such as: USFQ Plastic Arts Award (2005), Honorable Mention at the National Sculpture Biennal, Ibarra 2021 and the Special Prize ARS – Sustainability and Art at Laguna Art Prize in Venice, Italy. (2023)

He currently lives and works his artwork in Göteborg, Sweden.

He currently lives and works his artwork in Göteborg, Sweden.

