Kunsterinde Lina Murel Jardorf

Bronze sculptures and oilpaintings, drawings and watercolour


I am my art “I want to deliver something that makes people say something. I don’t wear a mask when I work. It’s true what I do. Because I am my art,” says Lina, who was given a task by Sjælsø Gruppen, for whom she had to create seven sculptures, each of which had to represent an emotion. “When I made the one called Love, I walked around bubbling with love. When I made Hopelessness I used the scarf as a symbol. Because my worst nightmare would be to be forced to hide my femininity. I simply cannot imagine anything worse. So I made a female body with a scarf, handcuffs and bound feet. I could feel the hopelessness down to my bones. When I created the figure Sorrow, I was completely dissolved and relived the grief I felt when I lost my father as a very young woman. And this honesty, I think, redeems the viewer. I have experienced it several times at exhibitions. For example, there was an elderly gentleman in his 70s who collapsed during a performance. Thirty years ago he had lost his wife, but he had never really processed the grief. He said that truth, love and care flowed out of my pictures, which had completely overwhelmed him. Roughly the same thing happened to a woman at the same vernissage. Today she comes to all my exhibitions and events,” says Lina and tries to find an explanation: “I think it’s about the fact that love is often associated with reservations. The only love that is unconditional is that between mother and child. And when, for example, these two people suddenly experience the immediate love that flows out of my art, it overwhelms and opens a chamber that may have been closed for many years.”


