Membership for companies

Art Next: Art Club for companies

Give your employees unique art experiences and support young Nordic talents.

Get closer to art

With a membership of Art Next, you get access to a wide range of attractive offers with art as a focal point. Choose the membership that best suits your business. All members get access to events and unique events. In addition, you will receive copies of this year’s art print and the joy of supporting Art Nordic’s talent programme. As a member, you choose which talent you want to support. The talent gets the opportunity to exhibit their art online and at Art Nordic’s exhibitions. As a sponsor, you get an original work by the artists donated to the company. Last but not least, you contribute to the Art Next grant, which is awarded each year to a particularly promising young artist.


  • Sponsor a talent and receive a selected original work.
  • Bronze sponsor for the Art Next grant.
  • 1 copy of this year’s art print.
  • 15% on all events and merchandise for all employees.
  • Exposure on Art Nordic’s website, social media and at events.



DKK 12,000/year




  • Sponsor a talent and receive a selected original work.
  • Silver sponsor for the Art Next scholarship.
  • 2 tickets for VIP dinner at the year’s two exhibitions.
  • 8 copies of this year’s art print.
  • 15% on all events and merchandise for all employees.
  • Exposure on Art Nordic’s website, social media and at events.

DKK 15,000/year



  • Sponsor 2 talents and receive 2 selected works.
  • Gold sponsor for the Art Next grant.
  • 4 tickets for VIP dinner at the year’s two exhibitions
  • 12 copies of this year’s art print.
  • 15% on all events and merchandise for all employees.
  • Exposure on Art Nordic’s website, social media and at events.

DKK 30,000/year

Why your company should be part of Art Next

Organizational culture

Your employees get access to unique art events, where you get the opportunity to meet each other in new ways through art.

Employee benefits

You get art prints, original works and discounts on merchandise and events. It is an obvious opportunity to reward employees or customers with unique art gifts.


The art club is also a platform where your company can get help finding artists who can help you with concrete projects or teaching.


You make a difference to the Nordic art scene. As a society, we badly need skilled artists. At Art Nordic, we see great potential for bringing artists and businesses closer together for mutual enjoyment. You help support that agenda as members of Art Next.


The art club gives you the opportunity to network with other companies that want to use art and creativity offensively in their organization.


You are inspired and invited to include creativity in your organization and the way you work. Art offers a universe of methods and tools that we can use to find new solutions – privately and professionally. Art Next is your gateway to the entire creative toolbox.